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Saemi Nadine Jung


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Hi World,

I am Saemi Nadine Jung

I am a former financial news anchor turned media & communications scholar who strongly believes in the power of education.

Growing up, I have always been fasicanted by different ways of thinking and viewing the world. Born and partially raised in South Korea, a third of my life was spent in North America and Germany, another third in South Korea to work as a financial journalist, then in London, UK, where I did my Master's of Social Science in Media and Communications. Currently, I am living and working in Vancouver, Canada, where I am pursuing my Ph.D. in Communication.

My doctoral research takes a post-colonial, transnational approach to examine the development of EdTech, investigating in what ways technologies influence, shape the future of education. Currently, I work on research projects that are at intersection of technology, communication and policy. Two key projects that I have been working on at the Digital Democracies Institute at Simon Fraser University include examining 1) keypunch operation as a form of female immigration labor in Canada in the 1970s, 2) how different communities form trust around bio-manufactured products such as COVID-19 vaccines in algorithmically curated spaces. 

My past research work includes comparative cross-national policy analysis of the EU and South Korean education, gendered racism in media news representation during the COVID-19 and data justice/ethics. 

In addition to being a doctoral researcher/PhD student, I am a Founder of the Baeum Institute and Society, an academic learning community in which I share both academic/life lessons that I learn along the way. The online community of my YouTube channel has been integral in sharing my research journey and also publicly engage with the larger audience about my work. 

When I'm not doing research work, I love making music, listening to music, and performing the piano. I spend much time watching nature, being in nature, and drawing, painting, and playing music.  

I am driven by the values that I believe in. I hope my work will continue to serve the world, especially help those who are marginalized, underrepresented, who can use empowerment. 

#Media Justice #Education #Ethical Practices in Education #AI/Data Ethics #Political Economy of digital platforms 

Curriculum Vitae

2017, Women's Financial Forum in Seoul.
Interviewing Madame Christine Lagarde, President of ECB. 


2023, LSE Media Futures Conference 

Presentation on datafied education. 

2016, Jeju Peace Forum.
Interviewing former US Ambassador to Korea, Mark Lippert. 


PhD, 2022-2027

School of Communication,
Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada

- Recipient of Graduate Entrance Scholarship          - GSS main councilor for Communication Caucus

- Member of GSS Advocacy Committee         


Research areas: Big Data/AI ethics, EdTech, Political Economy of Platform Technologies, Online Hate Culture, Policy Analysis, Social Media Audience Analysis, Surveillance/ Dataveillance and Media justice

Master of Social Sciences, 2020-2021

Department of Media and Communication, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK

- Covid-19 Media Representation Research Associate

- LSE 2020-2021 Post-grad Content Developer / Student Ambassador

- Mentor to LSE Generate (Student entrepreneurship program)

- Based on 10+ years of extensive financial journalist experience, mentor young female entrepreneurs and leaders in the media industry and help develop their innovative ideas into achievable business plans.
- The ‘Mentorpreneurship’ programe is the first university run initiative of its kind to engage past, current and future student entrepreneurs in a ‘life-cycle’ of mentoring.


Freie Universität zu Berlin and Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany

- DAAD scholar 

- Completed the Columbia Univeristy's Glaobl Engagement study aborad program "BCGS (Berlin Consortium German Studies" program) 

- studied at Freie Universität zu Berlin and Humboldt Universität 

Bachelor of Arts and Music 2006-2011

Oberlin College and Conservatory

- Double Degres:

B.A. in German studies, B.M. in Piano performance 

- Conservatory Dean's Award 

- 1960 Scholarship Award

Awards, Scholarships and Grants

  • Digital Democracies Institute at SFU Conference Scholarship (2023)

  • SFU GSS (Graduate Student Society) Professional Devleopment Funding (2023)

  • SFU Travel and Research Funding (2023)

  • SFU Graduate Entrance Scholarship Recipient (2022-2026)

  • Seoul National Unviersity Law School ALP (Advanced Leadership Program) full scholarship receipient (2019-2020)

  • DAAD (Deutsche Akademischer Austausch Dienst) Scholar (2010-2011)

  • Oberlin Law Scholar (2009-2010) 

  • Member of Phi Beta Kappa (2011-current)

  • Member of Pi Kappa Lambda (2011-current)

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